Chia seeds are amazing to create delicious desserts. Not only are they full of good nutrients, they also form a sort of gel when in contact with a liquid. With this interesting property, we can easily turn them into tasty puddings. Here is a very rich chia pudding recipe with fried banana and varied nuts and seeds to accompany it.
I hope you enjoy this delicious chia pudding recipe, it is my very own favorite !

Origins And Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds
Chia seeds come from the plant Salvia hispanica L. which belongs to the mint family of Lamiaceae and is native to Mexico and Guatemala. According to historians, they were an important part of the Aztec culture and were not only used for their nutritional and medicinal properties but also as offerings to Aztec gods in religious ceremonies.

While this plant started off in Latin America, it is now cultivated in different areas in the world including the US and Europe, so you can probably find local sources to be more sustainable and environmentally conscious. You can even grow them yourself if you like gardening and have both the space and the right climate. They apparently make really cute purple or white flowers, but keep in mind that the plant can be almost 2 meters tall !
As mentioned above, chia seeds are of good nutritional value which we will discuss more a bit further, and they have a very special property that makes them really interesting for recipes. Indeed, they are mucilaginous which means that they form a sort of gel when in contact with a liquid. Therefore they are perfect for creating vegan puddings, thickening a smoothie or even replacing eggs texture-wise in crepes, cakes or quiches.

Chia seeds are full of various nutrients as well as a good source of fiber because of their gel-like texture.
Their protein content is about 20%, including the 9 essential amino acids, making them interesting in vegetarian or plant-based diets.
They are particularly rich in natural antioxydants which are know to protect the body from free radicals.
Chia seeds also contain several minerals in different proportions :
- calcium
- magnesium
- phosphorus
- potassium
- microelements such as selenium, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sodium and zinc
Lastly, they are rich in fatty acids with a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids versus omega-6 fatty acids.
Note : they do not contain gluten and are generally well tolerated if taken with moderation.

According to scientists and even though it has sometimes been hard to demonstrate with certainty, chia seeds can be of therapeutic interest if they are part of a balanced and high quality diet.
Because of their composition, they could have cardio-protective effects, help maintain a good balance of blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and improve the immune system as well as digestion, to cite a few.
The oil could also improve some skin issues if applied externally.
However, chia seeds must be consumed with moderation. Indeed, eating too much of them (like many things) could be responsible for different types of issues.
Important note : because of their mucilaginous property, it is best to always soak them in a liquid for at least 10 minutes before consuming them. This prevents the dry seeds from attaching to our digestive tissues, which could cause various health problems.

Fried Banana Chia Pudding Recipe

Note : plan to make the Chia Pudding itself 1 to 2 hours before serving so that the chia seeds have time to develop the desired consistency. You can however prepare and add the toppings last minute.
For 6 servings
- 8 to 9 tablespoon of chia seeds
- 250 mL rice milk (1 cup)
- 250 mL coconut milk (1 cup)
- 1 banana
- 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
- additional toppings : almonds, almond butter, hemp seeds…
I recommend using organic ingredients whenever possible to be sure we get the maximum health benefits.
Coconut milk and bananas are not grown locally where I live so I only make this dessert once in a while. I usually prefer using local plant based milks and seasonal fruits but hey, I make exceptions sometimes. Feel free to adapt the recipe to your taste and preferences though !
If you are vegan, I suggest buying plant based milks enriched with calcium. This way, one serving of chia pudding participates in your daily need for calcium.
You can usually find all these ingredients in organic shops as well as regular supermarkets.

- Put 8 tablespoons of chia seeds in a bowl. In order to avoid agglomerates, my tip is to add the coconut milk first slowly while stirring continuously. Then add the rice milk while continuing to stirr.
- Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes in the fridge, and come back to stirr again. Keep in the fridge while it continues to thicken.
- I like to check the consistency after 30 minutes to an hour, and if it is too liquid to my liking, I add one more tablespoon of chia seeds and mix it well with the rest. If it is too thick, add a bit more milk and stirr. Always adapt to your preference.
- When the pudding reaches the desired consistency, you can start prepping the bananas by slicing them up as thinly as you like. Add some coconut oil to a pan and fry the banana slices on medium heat on each side until they are golden.
- Fill 6 cups of chia pudding at 3/4 and place the fried banana slices on top of it.
- You can finish by adding the toppings you love, for example fresh or roasted hazelnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, or any type of nut butter. Almond butter is my personal favorite but I think peanut butter would also go very well with this recipe. Enjoy !

I hope you will like this nourishing recipe that I feel is very nice to enjoy during fall, when we start craving richer foods to go through colder temperatures. Please let me know in the comments if you try it and which variations you choose to experiment with !